Saturday, November 24, 2012

Word Cloud

This is my word cloud for Gang Leader For A Day. It's got quite a bit of words that deal with recurring and important themes of the story, such as projects and J.T.


As I continue my blog assignment for my independent reading unit book, Gang Leader For A Day, I've been asked to go back and think of the important moments. I really wanted to find quotes from the story that provided clarity into some of the major points. Quotes that connected to deeper parts of the story than just speaking of the daily life a gang.

"Let me tell you something about us. We may be poor, but when you come over here, don't pity us, and don't hold us to a lower standard than you hold yourself up to." -Ms. Mae
-I've used this quote before in a description of a picture on my previous blog. When I read this quote it really resonated with me, because this is something you see all the time. An impoverished person has financial trouble and we begin to feel bad for them, but maybe we shouldn't. No one wants to be looked down upon, no matter what type of situation they are in. You can't just hand a poor friend of yours some cash and tell them to have a nice lunch. It's more of an attack on their character than a charity. What the quote really meant to me was, don't pity anyone just because they're in a worse position, because they don't want it. 

"The gangs and the building are the same." -J.T.
- Short but sweet. This quote goes back into the entire reason for the gangs actions, and why J.T. ever came back to the gang. The things the gang does aren't just for them, but to put Robert Taylor A in the best position possible.

"Whatever you do, try to do it without pissing people off. Make everything a community thing." -Lenny
This also ties into the previous quote by J.T.. This just emphasizes that whatever decisions the gang makes, it affects the building too, so they need to be the right decisions. The Black Kings are the only protection the tenants of Robert Taylor A have, so you can't have them go off and misrepresent what needs to go on. 

As part of another assignment, I was asked to view a blog by any fellow student of mine and react to question they've asked about their Independent Reading Unit books. Here's my reaction and a link to the blog.

Reaction: You ask how sometimes people's success is limited by their opportunity. This is true in that, if you're never given a chance at something and aren't given the ability to practice it, you'll never be able to reach your full potential. Bill Gates, for instance, was given opportunity because his parents would buy him time to use computers, something most people did have money to frequently use. This opportunity allowed him to become as success as he is today.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

What exactly is a G'Thang?

So if you read my previous post, you know I'm reading Gang Leader For A Day, by Sudhir Venkatesh. If you didn't read it, I'll allow you to go and do that now. As part of my English Independent Reading Unit, this was the non-fiction book I choose out of the few titles that still had available copies. It's a great book for an intriguing read, and I recommend anyone who hasn't to read it. 

One portion early on in the book is when Sudhir comes across his first instance of violence since beginning his study. It happened during a car wash he was watching that was hosted by the buildings most notable squatter, C-Note. He begins to get in a verbal argument with the gang's leader, J.T., which soon becomes physical. The particulars about how the fight start aren't what's important to this event. What shocks the Sudhir is that he is actually a bystander on this act of violence. In this moment, it finally crosses him that this is a gang, not just some club in the projects. Violence is an obvious part of gangs, but at this point, both the reader and Sudhir have yet to actually come across an act of violence. He know he can call the police, that what happened there isn't right, and that blood was spilt, but he also realizes that at the same time, he unable to do anything. This realization for him was a point of interest for me as a reader. It was the point during which I realized, this really is a gang, and things aren't as simple in that area as going out and handing out drugs for money. 
 For some reason, there is a stereotype that gangs like cars. That stereotype is true.

Sadly enough, cocaine fuels a rich but violent business. No matter how dirty, funds have to come from somewhere.

The projects, run down building, but a place that some must unfortunately call home.

For all that goes on, people always have a love for basketball in the projects.

"The gang and the building are the same."

Sometimes you have to deal with two sides of a person, peaceful and violent.

Gangs affect more people than just those involved in the group. Innocent civilians get victimized too.

Gangs and politicians, both symbols of corruption. Separate, but together in their efforts for money.

The drug business isn't an easy one. It's a numbers game and gangs try to make the best bet for efficiency.

When in another's presence, you must show respect to be given that same respect in return.
"We may be poor, but you come over here, don't pity us."- Ms. Mae

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Learning to be a Gangster

So as of now, I'm reading one specific book, Gang Leader For A Day by Sudhir Venkatesh. I didn't go out and get this book myself as a read for pleasure. I personally hadn't read a book out of fun in over a year or so. I chose this book as an Independent Reading Unit for my English class. Now, reading books isn't really a hobby of mine, but it definitely doesn't feel like a school assignment when I browse through this book. It's actually very intriguing, as I can't stop when I begin reading this book. 

As a non-fiction book, I didn't know how I'd feel in this new IRU unit, but Gang Leader For A Day gives a completely different perspective of the world than your backyard. It puts you through the lives of an actual gang of suburban Chicago, and the routine of its foot-soldiers and leader, J.T.. As Sudhir follows J.T. around, you learn less about killing, rape, and violence, but about what it is that actually motivates gangs to do what it is they do. The drug dealing, the projects, the entire inside story. You even get to read about the ways people in the rundown projects live, sometimes being much more articulate than you'd even think. As a college graduate, J.T. has knowledge and know how to get around. He cares for these people in the projects, wants to raise them back to prosperity, but sadly enough, it must happen through drug money and occasional violence. 

So I leave you with this, go out and read this book. If you have already, than you know exactly why those who haven't need too. It's a view of the world that has always been shrouded in stereotype and mystery. I t's a way of finally seeing a true vision of being a gangster for a day. So sure, I didn't go out of my way and get this book myself, but I'm glad I got a chance to read it. Try and answer these questions pertaining to Gang Leader For A Day. Maybe it will give you a chance to reflect on what it is you know, or at least think you know, about the gang life.

1.) What is it about gangs and the projects that gives off such an unnerving feel to those in society?

2.) Does government, or even society, do enough to help the impoverished in their times of trouble?

3.) What does being in a gang signify to those in it? What responsibilities do they feel have been put onto them? What do those living in or around gangs feel?

4.) What do you think are the responsibilities that come with being a gang leader? Why might this be so?

5.) What might you think are the positives of being or living near a gang? How do gangs support poor communities?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The good, The bad, and The Ugly Gash

If any of you watched the Manchester United vs. Fulham game on August 25, you saw the newly acquired Red's Robin van Persie and Shinji Kagawa score their first goals of the season in a 3-2 victory. There were good highlights to the game and bad lows, the ugliest of which came when a cleat cut open a gash above striker Wayne Rooney's knee. He'll be out for a couple weeks and I can only hope he comes back to play an amazing rest of the season with van Persie and the rest of the gang.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Can a Brother get a Championship in here?

It was such an up-down, all around sports season for all my team. Manchester United comes up short in the Premier League, the Chicago Bulls had an injury plagued Derrick Rose, Jay Cutler broke his thumb, and the Cubs are still the Cubs. At one point in each of their seasons, even the Cubs, the team look invincible. At this point, all I can do is wait for next season, starting with a revamped Chicago Bears team.