Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The good, The bad, and The Ugly Gash

If any of you watched the Manchester United vs. Fulham game on August 25, you saw the newly acquired Red's Robin van Persie and Shinji Kagawa score their first goals of the season in a 3-2 victory. There were good highlights to the game and bad lows, the ugliest of which came when a cleat cut open a gash above striker Wayne Rooney's knee. He'll be out for a couple weeks and I can only hope he comes back to play an amazing rest of the season with van Persie and the rest of the gang.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Can a Brother get a Championship in here?

It was such an up-down, all around sports season for all my team. Manchester United comes up short in the Premier League, the Chicago Bulls had an injury plagued Derrick Rose, Jay Cutler broke his thumb, and the Cubs are still the Cubs. At one point in each of their seasons, even the Cubs, the team look invincible. At this point, all I can do is wait for next season, starting with a revamped Chicago Bears team.